At Bambini Health, we are passionate about empowering children to find their voice. During our experience as speech pathologists, we have come to understand the importance of being a listening ear for families, ensuring that therapy is tailored to the family’s goals and the child’s needs, and to communicate with families along their therapy journey to ensure they feel empowered and involved in their child’s journey.
We have experience working with children with varying areas of difficulties including:
Speech Sounds
Social skills
Play skills
Reading, Writing and Spelling
Difficulties with Behaviour

We have worked with children with a range of diagnoses including:
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Global Developmental Delay
Intellectual Disability
Genetic Disorders
We believe ongoing professional development is vital as it ensures we are providing high quality care with up to date evidence for our families. We have completed:
Sounds Write - Phonics
LAMP - Words for Life
Lidcombe Program
Hanen More Than Words
BLADES Language Therapy
AAC (Augmentative & Alternative Communication) workshops
Learn to Play
Reading Workshop with David Fitzpatrick
Workshops with leading professionals including Natalie Munro, Julia Starling, Elise Baker and Elizabeth Murray