School Consultations
Our skilled therapists have experience working with schools to provide on-site therapy support and capacity building for staff. Our therapists can partner with local schools to provide services that work within the 3-tiers of school based services:
Tier 1: Whole Class
Tier 2: Small Group
Tier 3: One-on-one Therapy​
Tier 1: Whole Class
Capacity building and training for staff including providing general whole-school recommendations and support on a broader level.
This option is suitable for schools that would benefit from the following:​
Therapists can provide professional learning presentations that align with targeted areas of interest or needs of the whole-school population.
Schools that would like to implement programs on a whole-school basis such as The Zones of Regulation which can be implemented in every classroom.
Therapists work in a "consultancy basis" and can be called in to classrooms by teachers in need for some extra support in areas including behaviour, sensory-processing, functional literacy.
Tier 2: Small Group
Targeted support for small groups of children with similar needs and goals. Examples of intervention may focus on improving literacy, handwriting, and motor skills. This option is suitable for schools that would benefit from the following:​
Targeted small group support for children who present with similar difficulties e.g. Social Skills Group, Literacy Group.
Teachers will be provided with a clear and simple referral process where they can identify students with challenges and refer for small group support.
Therapists can provide professional learning opportunities for staff based on identified areas of focus. Therapists can collaborate with teachers in the classroom and provide support in running small group activities.
Tier 3: One on one therapy
Supporting children who require one on one intervention. Specific support for their individual needs. Students that are most 'at risk' within the classroom. This option is suitable for schools that would benefit from the following:
Therapists are set up in a designated space where they offer 1 on 1 therapy services.
Teachers are provided with a clear and simple referral process where they may refer students for a screener to determine whether there may be areas requiring development population.
Therapists can provide therapeutic services throughout the term and once appropriate for discharge can provide recommendation reports for staff and families.
School and
We can provide school and preschool screening services to support families in identifying potential needs for occupational therapy or speech pathology involvement. We can provide screening services for the following areas:
Early intervention
Preschool School Readiness
Kindergarten to year 6
High school ages adolescents