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Prewriting strokes "Why are they important?"

Writer's picture: Stephanie Stephanie

Q: What are prewriting strokes and why are they important?

A: Prewriting strokes are a sequence of strokes and shapes that are the fundamentals of forming letters, numbers, and early drawings. Each prewriting stroke develops into the use of vertical, horizontal, diagonal, and circular lines, forming each letter of the alphabet.

For example, the letter "A" is made up of two long diagonal lines and one short line, while "B" is made up of one long line and two little curves. Developing prewriting strokes supports a child's understanding of building letters and directionality. When working on strokes, it is important to reiterate the direction of the lines, such as "from the top to the bottom" and "from the left to the right," when drawing each stroke. This directionality will then transfer to writing development, creating an easier transition to the introduction of letter formation. For instance, "An A starts from the top and ends at the bottom." These strokes support pencil grasp and control in the early stages of development, also building the foundations for letter imitation, recognition, and memorisation.

Q: "What age should my child achieve their pre-writing strokes by?"

A: A child will typically achieve these strokes between 2 and 5 years old. Below are the typical age ranges in which each prewriting stroke should be achieved. It is important to acknowledge that each child's development is unique, and they may reach these milestones at different stages with the right support.

Typically achieved from 2 - 3 years

Typically achieved from 3.5 - 4.5 years

Typically achieved from 4.11 - 5 years

Reach out to our OT team if you have any questions or concerns.

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