As paediatric therapists (speechies & OT’s here!) at Bambini Health, we value work-life balance and ensuring that we are getting the most out of our working day so we have our evenings and weekends to relax! We have come up with 5 top tips to help you manage your time more effectively and improve your mindset during your day at work.
Start the day off with gratitude - pause and reflect on what you are thankful for, share it with your team or write it down in a journal. This has amazing benefits for your mindset.
Use a to-do list or calendar - here at Bambini Health, we all love the use of a to-do calendar! This allows us to organise our day, week and month with tasks and keep on top of our workload.
Stay on top of your client notes. It is so important to write your notes during or directly after your client’s session, this will ensure they are most accurate and avoids a pile up of notes at the end of the day!
Plan a goal for your session…not an activity! We know that sometimes we might have a wonderful activity planned for a client and then they come in not interested at all! We can hit panic mode, OR we can focus on what is our goal and what other ways can I target this goal (stay tuned for a more detailed post on this one!)
Take your breaks! We really value our lunchtimes here at Bambini Health for a time to unwind, have a laugh with our team and allow our brains to relax. It is so important to take breaks throughout your day to ensure you have a clear mind to help your families best.
Let us know how you go with these tips and reach out if you want to chat more about anything particular you may be struggling with, we always love to help fellow therapists!
Bambini Team!