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Feeding Therapy Service

Bambini Health now has a Feeding Clinic!

Our Feeding Therapists are trained in the Sequential-Oral-Sensory (SOS) feeding approach. 


Our therapists are skilled to assess the following areas that may be impacting your child's feeding:

  • Oral Motor

  • Learning

  • Sensory Processing

  • Medical Background

  • Nutritional Factors


The SOS Feeding Approach is an evidence-based program focusing on quality over quantity with an emphasis on expanding on variety of food consumption and development of feeding skills. 

Initial Consultation:



​Our skilled therapist will work with your child and yourself to complete the following:

  • Gain an in-depth understanding of your child's medical background

  • Meal time observation and assessment

  • Provide you with general treatment strategies so you can get started right away in supporting your child

  • Provide you with information regarding your child's current feeding development.

  • Prescription of either an individualised treatment program or recommendation for enrolment into one of our feeding groups

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​Assessments take approximately 1.5 - 2 hours and involves the following:

  • Thorough review of medical background

  • Potential referral to our recommended dietitian 

  • Observation and assessment of your child's feeding 

  • Goal setting and creation of a treatment pan 

​Following the assessment you can request for a comprehensive report which will provide a thorough overview of the assessment findings, outline of the chosen goals and recommendations for therapeutic intervention.

Bambini Health
We strive to support children to be unique and achieve. We are a family centred practice with a strong belief in supporting the entire family unit. We believe that to achieve the best outcomes for children the entire family unit should be supported. Our team are dedicated in providing the best quality care for all our families.
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© 2022 Bambini Health

Web Design by Branded & Co

Contact Us
Opening Hours
Monday - 9am - 5.30pm
Tuesday - 9am - 5.30pm
Wednesday - 9am - 5.30pm
Thursday - 9am - 5.30pm
Friday - 9am - 5.30pm
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